Changelog ========= 0.1beta3 ~~~~~~~~ - ``ModBetaGeoModel`` Bayesian implementation of Modified BG/NBD model added. - Added ``conditional_probability_of_being_alive_up_to_time`` to ``ParetoNBDFitter``. - Removed CSV model persistence and added a validation check for loading models from JSON files. - Removed ``dill`` dependency for persisting ``fitters`` models. - Converted ``_check_inputs`` into a static method and added a validation check for 'frequency < T'. - Converted ``_dataframe_parser`` from a static method and removed unnecessary ``_check_inputs`` call. - Removed direct imports for ``BaseModel`` and ``PredictMixin``. 0.1beta2 ~~~~~~~~ - ``GammaGammaModel`` Bayesian implementation of Gamma-Gamma model added. - Input validation added to ``BaseModel`` class. - Fixed array broadcasting bug in ``BetaGeoModel``. - Revised frequency and monetary value descriptions in User Guide. - Revised SQL code for monetary value calculations in documentation. - Added required dependencies to ``setup.cfg``. 0.1beta1 ~~~~~~~~~ - Bayesian predictions now supported, enabling entire probability distributions as well as point estimates for predictive outputs. - Streamlined user API to minimize input arguments. All predictive methods are now also called from a single function. - ``model._idata`` attribute now persisted as an ``arviz.InferenceData`` object, and can be saved externally in JSON or CSV format. However, only JSONs can be loaded as of this release. - Documentation updated to latest versions of ``sphinx`` and ``pydata-sphinx-theme``. - Removed *High Level Overview* from documentation. - Added deprecation warning for legacy Lifetimes `fitters` module. - Removed extraneous ``lifetimes`` import causing build issues. - Removed ``psutils`` library dependency. - Added ``numpy >=1.20.0`` library dependency. - ``utils.posterior_predictive_deviation`` metric removed pending further evaluation. - CI/CD pre-commit scripts added. .. _section-1: 0.1alpha1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Forked ``lifetimes`` library v0.11.3 and rebranded as ``btyd``. - ``BetaGeoCovarsFitter`` BG/NBD model with time-invariant covariates added to ``fitters`` module. - Alpha version of new modeling backend created in `models` module to support Bayesian modeling via ``pymc``. - ``BetaGeoModel`` Bayesian implementation of BG/NBD model added. - Switched to Apache 2.0 license. - New experimental ``posterior_predictive_deviation`` metric added. .. _section-2: